Christ Academy: Timothy School 2024

Christ Academy consists of three important elements: confessional catechesis, liturgical worship and a fun life together. This tradition of learning, worship, and fun provides an incredible two-week experience for young men and women in high school, especially for those considering a future in church work. Christ Academy is comprised of two schools, Timothy School for men and Phoebe School for women.

During Timothy School, young men have the opportunity to take eight different classes in theology over the course of the two weeks, taught by CTSFW faculty. Learning also takes place informally in the invaluable discussions over the dinner table and in dorm groups every day.

Students also experience the joy of living a life of worship as we gather together around God’s Word four times a day. All of our worship is drawn from the Lutheran Service Book and is focused on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Students will have the opportunity to witness to their faith while serving the greater community. In the past, some of these opportunities have included serving at local food banks, homeless shelters, area churches, and pro-life organizations.

Finally, students have fun at Christ Academy. The Academy is packed full of great activities, from intramural activities like Capture the Flag and Ultimate Frisbee to a Minor League Baseball game and the annual talent show. Our students both enjoy themselves and build lasting friendships along the way.

Whether you are interested in becoming a pastor or are just interested in theology, Christ Academy is the event for you. Spots are limited, so check us out and join the tradition!