CTSFW Tours—The Holy Land
Join us on a journey this November with CTSFW host Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ryan Tietz to see where Jesus lived, walked, preached, died, and rose again. Visit the birthplace of the Christ child in Bethlehem and rejoice with the shepherds in the field where the angels sang “Hosanna in the highest!” Walk the streets of Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle by turning water into wine. Take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum and turn your face towards Jerusalem as you follow in Jesus’ footsteps to Golgatha and see the empty tomb for yourself. Remember the words, “He is risen!” and “He is risen indeed! Alleluia!” Experience the Bible coming to life in a new way as you walk alongside Jesus.
This trip is provided by NAWAS International Travel. Learn more by downloading the tour information packet (on this page) or by visiting their website at https://www.nawas.com/protestant-programs/holy-land-bible-tours/.