CTSFW Food & Clothing Co-ops
The Co-op is available to students enrolled in classes leading to ordination in the holy ministry or certification as a deaconess. Food, clothing, and household items are available at no financial cost to the students. Students register and volunteer time for the privilege of use. All monetary gifts given to the Co-op for food items are restricted to the purchase of grocery items on the shelves of the Food Co-op.
Connect with Us

Deac. Katherine Rittner
Director of Food & Clothing Co-op
CTSFW Tours Coordinator
Event Housing Coordinator
Phone: (260) 452-2168
Email: Katherine.Rittner@ctsfw.edu
The Food Co-op is staffed and open from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The Clothing Co-op is open for receiving donations Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. only. All items must be bagged or boxed for safety reasons. Please come in to deliver or ask for assistance if help is needed. One of our staff will gladly bring out a bin and a receipt for you.
There are two facilities on the campus that house the Co-op.
The Food Co-op is located in the lower level of the Student Commons. It is set up with shelves, freezers, and coolers to hold perishable and non-perishable items. Paper products, cleaning supplies, and diapers are also available. The Food Co-op follows the guidelines of the Allen County Department of Health as required for our permit to operate. This guarantees the proper storage and display of the food items. Many students report that 75-85% of their grocery needs are met at this facility. In exchange for monthly volunteer time, students may shop one day per week.
The Clothing Co-op is located in Spiegel Hall, which is a former dormitory building on the north side of the campus. Men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing plus household items, including furniture and appliances, can be available. Students shop at their own discretion for their family needs. No money or vouchers of any kind are needed. Students may shop six days per week in this facility.
- Over-the-counter medications are available.
- School supplies are available in August each year.
- Layettes of new baby items are given to each family with a new infant.
- Donated gift cards are distributed at Christmas to students.
- Handmade quilts, given by quilting groups from around the Synod at Christmas, are also distributed to students.
The Co-op relies solely on the generous donations of individuals, congregations, and organizations. Most students live on a very limited income while preparing to serve the Church. These facilities are truly a blessing to the students and their family members.
The Clothing Co-op accepts gently used and new (with the tag) items of clothing, housewares, microwaves, small kitchen appliances, dishes, knick-knacks, furniture, and other items. We strive to meet the needs of our students and their families during their time at CTSFW at no cost to them. When donating clothing, keep this rule of thumb in mind: If it is something you would want to see on your pastor and his family, bring it to us. We are unable to accept TVs, computer towers, laptops, or tablets.
As a gift to our students who welcome a new baby, the Clothing Co-op gifts a layette box with new items including size Newborn to 4T onesies, socks, bottles, baby books, rattles, toys, stuffed animals, snow suits, holiday outfits, hair bows, shorts, shirts, pants, dresses, etc. In addition, each baby receives a handmade quilt and at times hand crocheted blankets, sweaters, hats, booties, or car seat covers.
Food Co-op Donation Ideas
The needs of the Food Co-op change from week to week. Below is a non-inclusive list of needs and ideas for our shelves:Co-op Brochure
If you cannot see the brochure below, please click here to VIEW or click here to DOWNLOAD.
Christmas Marketplace
Each Christmas the CTSFW community rallies together to bless the Seminary students and their families through generous offerings of gifts, food and fun for the entire family. You can learn more by reading the brochure below.
If you cannot see the brochure below, please click here to VIEW or click here to DOWNLOAD.