Theological Education Across Cultures
3.0 creditsDMSL 910
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The examination of perspectives from the literature of cultural anthropology, cross-cultural communication and cross-cultural education with specific application to the evaluation and development of theological education programs in cross-cultural contexts.
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Leadership Training Design
3.0 creditsDMSL 920
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The introduction of principles and skills needed for thorough analysis of any leadership training situation and the development or improvement of appropriate training programs. Two evaluation models (Hollands Two Track Analogy, Clintons Adapted Systems Model) and several formal, non-formal and informal training models are studied.
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Equipping the Laity for Evangelism
3.0 creditsDMSL 925
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The course unfolds the implications of the priesthood of all believers in terms of reaching the lost for Christ through personal witness. It provides a comprehensive, integrated evangelism approach while focusing on the multicultural aspects of outreach.
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Issues in International Theological Educatation
3.0 creditsDMSL 930
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A seminar examining critical issues in theological education (TE) today, such as non-formal training models, Theological Education by Extension (TEE), the globalization of TE, missiology in TE and neo-colonialization and TE. Criteria essential for evaluating and developing viable training strategies for mission churches in North American and non-North American contexts are introduced.
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Issues in Church & Mission Relatationships
3.0 creditsDMSL 940
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Seminar examining relationships between church and mission from both historical and theological perspectives with application to present church/mission relationships. Particular attention is given to issues emerging from the post WWII collapse of western colonial empires. Topics include relationships between missions, sending churches and receiving churches; church and mission in a global community; and missions to and from the Third World.
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Organizing the Congregation for Mission
3.0 creditsDMSL 950
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A workshop will be conducted using both the lecture and the seminar teaching methodologies. The topic will focus on the symbiotic dependency of pastor and laity in their strategic planning and organizing for action to fulfill the major congregational goals.
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Independent Study
3.0 creditsDMST 995
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When students wish to fulfill a special need, they may request an independent study course through the director of the Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology Program.
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Directed Readings
3.0 creditsDMST 996
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Directed readings may be from one to three quarter hours. They are to be arranged with the director of the Doctor of Philosophy in Missiology Program.
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