Philipp Melanchthon. Translated by John R. Stephenson. (With "The Household of God: Observations on 'Church' in the New Testament and the City of Ephesus." By Thomas M. Winger)
St. Catherines, Ontario: Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary, 2016. 60 pages. $11.95.

Reviewed by Rev. Mark A. Loest. Pastor, Immanuel Lutheran Church of Frankentrost, Saginaw, MI on 02/06/2018
In 1545, Charles V requested a report on the Reformation. This is the first English translation of the response written by Philipp Melanchthon, which is essentially both a commentary on the Augsburg Confession and a description of how the Reformation was put into practice. At the end of Luther’s life and influence there was still agreement among the Wittenberg divines so that Luther, Bugenhagen, Major, and Melanchthon could sign it.
Attached is an exegetical essay by Thomas M. Winger, presented to the Lutheran Church–Canada’s East District Pastors Conference in April 2016 on Church Order.