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Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN


Concordia Theological Seminary – Fort Wayne, IN

CTSFW Faculty & Instructors

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Dr. Carl L. Beckwith
  • • Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Geoffrey R. Boyle
  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Field Education
Dr. James G. Bushur
  • • The Carl and Erna Weinrich Professor of New Testament and Early Church Studies
  • • Director of Deaconess Formation Programs
Dr. Charles A. Gieschen
  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Provost
  • • Associate Editor of Concordia Theological Quarterly
Dr. Paul J. Grime
  • • Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Mission
  • • Dean of Spiritual Formation
  • • Dean of the Chapel
  • • Co-Director of Good Shepherd Institute
Dr. Gifford A. Grobien
  • • Professor of Systematic Theology
  • • Director of DMin Program
  • • Assistant Provost
Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie
  • • The Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Professor of Historical Theology
  • • Faculty Marshal
Dr. Naomichi Masaki
  • • The Reverend Victor H. and Lydia Dissen Professor of the Lutheran Confessions
  • • Director of Ph.D. in Theological Studies Program
  • • Director of STM Program
Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes
  • • Chairman and Associate Professor of Historical Theology
  • • Assistant Editor of CTQ
Dr. Todd A. Peperkorn
  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Vicarage and Internship
  • • Director of Residential Pastoral Formation Programs
Dr. Jeffrey H. Pulse
  • • Director of Certification and Placement
  • • Director of Continuing Education
  • • The Dean O. Wenthe Professor of Old Testament Theology
Prof. Robert V. Roethemeyer
  • • Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Vice President of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation
  • • The Wakefield-Kroemer Director of Library and Information Services
Dr. Peter J. Scaer
  • • Chairman and Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Director of M.A. Program
  • • Book Review Editor of CTQ
Dr. K. Detlev Schulz
  • • The Roemer-Baese Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Dean of Graduate Studies
  • • Director of Ph.D. in Missiology Program
  • • Director of International Studies
Dr. Ryan M. Tietz
  • • Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Dean of Students
  • • Coordinator of Clinical Pastoral Education
Dr. Don C. Wiley
  • • Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Spanish Language Church Worker Formation Program
Dr. Roland F. Ziegler
  • • Chairman of Systematic Theology
  • • The Robert D. Preus Professor of Systematic Theology and Confessional Lutheran Studies


Guest Professors

Robert H. Bennett, MDiv, STM, PhD
Daniel L. Gard, MDiv, MA, PhD

Professors Emeriti

Richard T. Nuffer, JD, MDiv
Timothy C. J. Quill, MDiv, STM, MPhil, PhD
Richard C. Resch, MMus, MDiv
Daniel G. Reuning, SMM, DMA
David P. Scaer, MDiv, PhD

CTSFW Faculty

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Full Time Faculty

Dr. Carl L. Beckwith
  • • Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Geoffrey R. Boyle
  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Field Education
Dr. Jon S. Bruss
  • • President
  • • Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Dr. James G. Bushur
  • • The Carl and Erna Weinrich Professor of New Testament and Early Church Studies
  • • Director of Deaconess Formation Programs
Dr. Carl C. Fickenscher II
  • • Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
Dr. Charles A. Gieschen
  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Provost
  • • Associate Editor of Concordia Theological Quarterly
Dr. Paul J. Grime
  • • Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Mission
  • • Dean of Spiritual Formation
  • • Dean of the Chapel
  • • Co-Director of Good Shepherd Institute
Dr. Gifford A. Grobien
  • • Professor of Systematic Theology
  • • Director of DMin Program
  • • Assistant Provost
Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr.
  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Assistant Faculty Marshal
Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie
  • • The Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Professor of Historical Theology
  • • Faculty Marshal
Dr. Walter A. Maier III
  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Assistant Faculty Marshal
Dr. Naomichi Masaki
  • • The Reverend Victor H. and Lydia Dissen Professor of the Lutheran Confessions
  • • Director of Ph.D. in Theological Studies Program
  • • Director of STM Program
Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes
  • • Chairman and Associate Professor of Historical Theology
  • • Assistant Editor of CTQ
Dr. John G. Nordling
  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
Dr. Todd A. Peperkorn
  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Vicarage and Internship
  • • Director of Residential Pastoral Formation Programs
Prof. John T. Pless
  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
Dr. Jeffrey H. Pulse
  • • Director of Certification and Placement
  • • Director of Continuing Education
  • • The Dean O. Wenthe Professor of Old Testament Theology
Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr.
  • • Professor of Historical Theology
  • • President Emeritus
Prof. Robert V. Roethemeyer
  • • Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Vice President of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation
  • • The Wakefield-Kroemer Director of Library and Information Services
Dr. Peter J. Scaer
  • • Chairman and Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Director of M.A. Program
  • • Book Review Editor of CTQ
Dr. K. Detlev Schulz
  • • The Roemer-Baese Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Dean of Graduate Studies
  • • Director of Ph.D. in Missiology Program
  • • Director of International Studies
Dr. Ryan M. Tietz
  • • Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Dean of Students
  • • Coordinator of Clinical Pastoral Education
Dr. William C. Weinrich
  • • Professor of Historical Theology
Dr. Dean O. Wenthe
  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • President Emeritus
Dr. Don C. Wiley
  • • Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Spanish Language Church Worker Formation Program
Dr. Roland F. Ziegler
  • • Chairman of Systematic Theology
  • • The Robert D. Preus Professor of Systematic Theology and Confessional Lutheran Studies


Deac. Rose E. Adle
  • • Assistant Director of Deaconess Formation
Kevin J. Hildebrand
  • • Kantor
  • • Co-Director of Good Shepherd Institute
Matthew A. Machemer
  • • Associate Kantor
Deac. Amy C. Rast
  • • Associate Director of the Deaconess Formation Programs

Guest Professors

Robert H. Bennett, M.Div., S.T.M., Ph.D.
Daniel L. Gard, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D.

Professors Emeriti

Richard T. Nuffer, J.D., M.Div.
Timothy C. J. Quill, M.Div., S.T.M., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Richard C. Resch, M.Mus., M.Div.
Daniel G. Reuning, S.M.M., D.M.A.

Full Time Faculty

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Dr. Carl L. Beckwith

  • • Professor of Historical Theology
(260) 452-2243

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Dr. Geoffrey R. Boyle

  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Field Education
(260) 452-2254

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Dr. Jon S. Bruss

  • • President
  • • Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
(260) 452-3205

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Dr. James G. Bushur

  • • The Carl and Erna Weinrich Professor of New Testament and Early Church Studies
  • • Director of Deaconess Formation Programs
(260) 452-3214

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Dr. Carl C. Fickenscher II

  • • Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions

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Dr. Charles A. Gieschen

  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Provost
  • • Associate Editor of Concordia Theological Quarterly

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Dr. Paul J. Grime

  • • Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Mission
  • • Dean of Spiritual Formation
  • • Dean of the Chapel
  • • Co-Director of Good Shepherd Institute
(260) 452-2197

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Dr. Gifford A. Grobien

  • • Professor of Systematic Theology
  • • Director of DMin Program
  • • Assistant Provost
(260) 452-2143

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Dr. Arthur A. Just Jr.

  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Assistant Faculty Marshal
(260) 452-2138

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Dr. Cameron A. MacKenzie

  • • The Forrest E. and Frances H. Ellis Professor of Historical Theology
  • • Faculty Marshal

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Dr. Walter A. Maier III

  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Assistant Faculty Marshal
(260) 452-2132

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Dr. Naomichi Masaki

  • • The Reverend Victor H. and Lydia Dissen Professor of the Lutheran Confessions
  • • Director of Ph.D. in Theological Studies Program
  • • Director of STM Program
(260) 452-3209

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Dr. Benjamin T. G. Mayes

  • • Chairman and Associate Professor of Historical Theology
  • • Assistant Editor of CTQ
(260) 452-2228

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Dr. John G. Nordling

  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
(260) 452-3217

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Dr. Todd A. Peperkorn

  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Vicarage and Internship
  • • Director of Residential Pastoral Formation Programs
(260) 452-2133

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Prof. John T. Pless

  • • Assistant Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
(260) 452-2271

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Dr. Jeffrey H. Pulse

  • • Director of Certification and Placement
  • • Director of Continuing Education
  • • The Dean O. Wenthe Professor of Old Testament Theology
(260) 452-2273

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Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr.

  • • Professor of Historical Theology
  • • President Emeritus
(260) 452-2101

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Prof. Robert V. Roethemeyer

  • • Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Vice President of Institutional Assessment and Accreditation
  • • The Wakefield-Kroemer Director of Library and Information Services

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Dr. David P. Scaer

  • • The David P. Scaer Professor Emeritus of Biblical and Systematic Theology
(260) 452-2134

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Dr. Peter J. Scaer

  • • Chairman and Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Director of M.A. Program
  • • Book Review Editor of CTQ
(260) 452-2165

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Dr. K. Detlev Schulz

  • • The Roemer-Baese Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Dean of Graduate Studies
  • • Director of Ph.D. in Missiology Program
  • • Director of International Studies
(260) 452-3131

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Dr. Ryan M. Tietz

  • • Associate Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • Dean of Students
  • • Coordinator of Clinical Pastoral Education
(260) 452-2135

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Dr. William C. Weinrich

  • • Professor of Historical Theology

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Dr. Dean O. Wenthe

  • • Professor of Exegetical Theology
  • • President Emeritus
(260) 452-3206

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Dr. Don C. Wiley

  • • Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions
  • • Director of Spanish Language Church Worker Formation Program
(260) 452-3203

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Dr. Roland F. Ziegler

  • • Chairman of Systematic Theology
  • • The Robert D. Preus Professor of Systematic Theology and Confessional Lutheran Studies
(260) 452-2282


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Deac. Rose E. Adle

  • • Assistant Director of Deaconess Formation
(314) 591-7313

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Kevin J. Hildebrand

  • • Kantor
  • • Co-Director of Good Shepherd Institute

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Matthew A. Machemer

  • • Associate Kantor

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Deac. Amy C. Rast

  • • Associate Director of the Deaconess Formation Programs
(260) 452-2225

Guest Professors

  • Robert H. Bennett, M.Div., S.T.M., Ph.D.
  • Daniel L. Gard, M.Div., M.A., Ph.D.

Professors Emeriti

  • Richard T. Nuffer, J.D., M.Div.
  • Timothy C. J. Quill, M.Div., S.T.M., M.Phil., Ph.D.
  • Richard C. Resch, M.Mus., M.Div.
  • Daniel G. Reuning, S.M.M., D.M.A.