Kantor Kevin Hildebrand

…been a workshop leader and instructor for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Commission on Worship, as well as frequent organ recitalist and hymn festival presenter across the United States and Canada. Loading……

Confessional Theology for the Church in Mission

…continue to be legitimately and systematically organized in a number of different patterns. It also shows ways for effective Gospel communication (oral model, written model, visual model, propositional model, story…

Confessional Theology for the Church in Mission

…continue to be legitimately and systematically organized in a number of different patterns. It also shows ways for effective Gospel communication (oral model, written model, visual model, propositional model, story…


Email Us At: emailwebsite@ctsfw.edu CTSFW Email: emailwebsite@ctsfw.edu REGISTER TODAY! REGISTER TODAY! Alumni Reunion Date:&nbspMay 16, 2024 – May 17, 2024 | Location:&nbsp6600 N. Clinton St, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 All…

Military Project

…project, contact Deaconess Carolyn Brinkley, whose information is below. If you desire to support the Military Project you can do so using the online giving link at the top of…


PASTORAL PASTORAL Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, has several pathways to becoming a Pastor within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. As you discern the process, feel free to use the…

Old Testament Content

…on books in the Old Testament. This class is designed to be taught online. It also is offered on the same schedule as the Seminary’s residential classes. The content of…

Old Testament Content

…on books in the Old Testament. This class is designed to be taught online. It also is offered on the same schedule as the Seminary’s residential classes. The content of…

F-1 Student Benefits

Online Appointments Make an appointment for the Pine Valley branch. Note: Scheduling an appointment online for a branch visit does not mean you are scheduling a driving skills test online….

Old Testament Content

…on books in the Old Testament. This class is designed to be taught online. It also is offered on the same schedule as the Seminary’s residential classes. The content of…