Privacy Policy

…Student Portal or MyClasses/MisClases for online course content. Communications with Us: You may also provide information to us when you respond to surveys or communicate with our helpdesk about a…

Seminary Guild

…around the country are represented in the Guild. By combining our efforts we can make a greater impact on these future servants of Jesus Christ who will teach the faithful,…

Paying for Seminary

…expenses that come with the commitment to be a full-time seminary student. You can make a difference in the lives of our seminary students and their families by signing up…


…the button below for details about our Regents’ Scholarship, President’s Scholarship, and Provost’s Scholarship. Scholarship applications will be available online Tuesday, January 17. Complete applications, which include the scholarship application…

Support the Future

Support the Future Support the Future Not seeing what you‘re looking for? Let us help. Click here to meet our team! Not seeing what you‘re looking for? Let us help….


DIACONAL DIACONAL DIACONAL DIACONAL The deaconess program at CTSFW is a program that helps prepare women for service in the church. Deaconesses serve in many capacities, serving critical roles within…

Online Greek

Online Pre-Seminary Greek Concordia Theological Seminary offers New Testament pre-seminary Greek as an online course. It will cover the same material as the ten-week intensive course but will extend over…

Online Greek

Online Pre-Seminary Greek Concordia Theological Seminary offers New Testament pre-seminary Greek as an online course. It will cover the same material as the ten-week intensive course but will extend over…

Dr. Lawrence Rast

…Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Dr. Rast is the chairman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) on which he has served since 2006. The…